Our Values

Claddagh Haven Trust's mission statement is to provide support to people with intellectual disabilities in a holistic way, supporting them to live a full & inclusive life in the community.

The Enabling Good Lives principles

The Enabling Good Lives principles

At Claddagh Haven Trust we incorporate the following set of principles into how we support our residents, as established by the wider disability consumers & providers.

  • Ordinary life outcomes with opportunities to experience everyday life in everyday places.
  • Support for our residents to access mainstream services, as well as specialist disability services where possible. 
  • Building relationships between the people in our care, their families & friends, & the community. As well as ensuring that our resident's abilities & contributions are recognised & respected.
  • Ensuring simple support, removing complications to be able to provide support that is easy to access, flexible & caring.
  • Tailored personal care. Recognising individuals & their own needs and goals, to follow a whole life approach rather than more goal-focused restrictive programs.
  • Beginning early to build better support for both families & individuals, as well as support independent growth. We like to see proactive growth in the journey, rather than a reactionary support later on.